The list below contains the contact information for the various Directors/Convenors of the sub-groups and other important contacts of Ipswich Little Theatre. The general theatre phone number during rehearsals and meetings is:·(07) 3812 2389. Please note this number is not answered during other times.

Ipswich Little Theatre Society Inc.
ABN – 58074617339 Theatre Address Incinerator Theatre Burley Griffin Drive (off Griffiths Road) Ipswich QLD 4305 AUSTRALIA
Postal Address
Ipswich Little Theatre
PO Box 467
Booval QLD 4304

NamePhonePositionMore Info
Jim Orr 0402 377258 President
Helen Pullar 3281 4437 Secretary Tourific Troupers – Theatre Tours
Chris Greenhill 0427 977 007 Treasurer
Di Johnston 0447 191954 Festival Director One Act Play Festival
David Austin 0413 636 249 Immediate Past President
Robyn Flashman 3812 3450 0477 771 016 Group Liaison Secretary Fundraising/Group Bookings
Deirdre Lowe 07 54645227 0409 202 380 Convenor Junior Theatre – Primary School
Jane Sheppard 0419 020 675 Convenor Daytimers Theatre Troupe
Kate Hoepner 0479 048 979 Director, Young Theatricals Young Theatricals
Shane Mallory 0403 175 702 ICT Manager